Monday, December 9, 2013

Brrr... It's cold outside

Thrifted Sweater, Zara faux leather pants, Zara sling bag, Gifted beanie
I kinda love the rainy season. I have several sweaters and its the perfect time to wear em all ;) I often mix winter vibe for the top and summer for the bottom. So what's your rainy season favorite outfit?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Jakarta Fashion Market

I'll see you guys tomorrow at Jakarta Fashion Market! Bring your friends and lets chat! ;)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

BCA KlikPay

Hi Guys.. This time I’m going to give you some tips about shopping at online shop especially the one that located in Indonesia that will give you easiness based on my own experience. As a shopping lover, online shopping is one of my hobbies. Hehe. 

Almost every day I open websites to check prices or purchase something. Usually after browsing, had crush in some stuffs, order and have to make payment, which we have to transfer the money, right? The old school way is we transfer the money then we inform the seller that the transfer has been done and usually some seller will ask transfer receipt’s photo as well. 

The problem is, not all people have the time to do that, especially without an electronic banking transfer. Moreover for those who work in office hour like me. Finally after I heard my friend’s story who is also an online shopper, where she bought Blitz movie tickets from promotion program, BCA KlikPay Deal! only for Rp 10,000 at by using BCA KlikPay! You know how costly watching movies at theater right?! Thats why, this promotion is very interesting! Haha. So I decided to have a BCA KlikPay account. 

Why BCA KlikPay? First is because I’m pretty sure that most of Indonesian have BCA saving accounts or even BCA Card credit card. Secondly by using BCA KlikPay, I guarantee it will simplify your online shopping transaction. You can see how easy using BCA KlikPay through my video (all out in giving tips. hihi). 

Next is, how to register BCA KlikPay? There are 2 options. First, you must have KlikBCA Individu (internet banking) and have KeyBCA or you already have a BCA credit card (BCA Card).  If you already have a saving account but you aren’t registered to KlikBCA and don’t have the token yet, you only need to come to your nearest BCA ATMs and branches for 1 time only. Yes 1 time, no need to go back and forth. You go to the customer service, tell him/her that you want to have a KeyBCA (don’t forget to bring your personal data like your saving book and ID card a.k.a. KTP),  form that you have to fill (trust me it’s brief and easy) and then voila you got your token instantly.

The cost? Relax it’s at the price of a plate of street fried race =D after you got the KeyBCA, you can register yourself to BCA KlikPay at by selecting KlikBCA or BCA Card as your source of payment. After that just simply follow the instruction to activate the you’re ready yo make a payment online shopping Ssstt lots of installment promo if you used BCA Card btw. Hihi.

After you got your registered and activated KlikBCA or BCA Card, here are the steps of how to shop with BCA KlikPay:

1. When you do a transactions at BCA KlikPay merchants, click BUY or Put the item to the shopping cart. For merchant list click here
  • Choose BCA KlikPay as payment method
  • The merchant website will redirect you to BCA KlikPay login page
2. You will find the detail of your transaction and choose your source of fund wheter using KlikBCA or BCA Card, then proceed to make payment
  • For authorization, select the “KIRIM OTP”, for sending an OTP (One Time Password) to your registered mobile phone, just fill in the OTP into the screen, after that click “BAYAR” 
3. Done! You will receive notification email (fits for paranoid buyer type. Hahaha)

Very simple right =) so now almost for every online transactions such as buying movie tickets, hotel voucher until flight tickets, I use BCA KlikPay because while working I can make payment easily at the same time in front of my computer screen with less than 5 minutes. I bet you take more time to think what colour to choose. Admit it! Hahaha. Basically these tips for saving your time, less paper and safe! So enjoy my online shopping tips and trick.

Btw if you want to know more about BCA KlikPay you can follow their twitter account here or Facebook here. For merchant list click here. You better shopping at the guaranteed websites ;P

Bahasa Indonesia

Hi guys. Blog post gue kali ini mau kasih tips gimana cara belanja online especially di online shop dengan lokasi di Indonesia yang bakal memudahkan kita semua based on pengalaman gue sendiri. Sebagai pecinta shopping, belanja via online adalah salah satu hobi gue. Hehe.

Hampir setiap hari gue akan buka berbagai website untuk sekedar cek harga atau memang melakukan pembelian. Biasanya setelah browsing, naksir suatu barang, order dan kemudian harus melakukan pembayaran, kita harus transfer kan? Nah kalau cara yang biasanya dipakai ya setelah kita transfer, informasikan ke penjual kalau kita sudah transfer dan beberapa penjual biasanya minta foto bukti transfernya.

The thing is nggak semua orang sesempat atau serajin itu buat mampir ke mesin ATM. Iya kan? Apalagi kalau seperti gue yang kantoran, gue belum tentu sempat mampir ke ATM terdekat. Akhirnya setelah dengar cerita dari teman gue yang seorang online shopper juga, dia berhasil membeli tiket nonton di Blitz melalui program promosi BCA KlikPay Deal! seharga Rp 10.000,- di dengan BCA KlikPay! Gue pun memutuskan untuk registrasi di BCA KlikPay. Lo tau kan harga nonton di bioskop sekarang semahal apa? Haha.

Nah kenapa BCA KlikPay? Pertama gue yakin banget sebagian besar dari masyarakat Indonesia pasti punya rekening tabungan di BCA atau kartu kredit BCA. Kedua dengan menggunakan fasilitas BCA KlikPay dijamin akan mempermudah kegiatan transaksi belanja. Elo semua bisa lihat gimana mudahnya menggunakan BCA KlikPay ini melalui video gue di atas (kalau mau kasih tips nggak tanggung-tanggung sampai bikin video segala. Hihi).

Terus gimana cara bisa punya BCA KlikPay? Ada dua pilihan. Pertama lo harus punya KlikBCA Individu (Internet Banking) dan KeyBCA (token) atau lo pemegang kartu kredit BCA (BCA Card). Kalau lo sudah punya rekening tabungan tetapi belum terdaftar di KlikBCA dan belum punya KeyBCA, lo cukup datang ke ATM dan cabang  BCA terdekat 1 kali. Yes 1 kali saja nggak perlu bolak balik. Lo ke customer service, sampaikan kalau lo mau punya KeyBCA (jangan lupa bawa data pribadi seperti buku tabungan dan KTP yah), ada form yang harus lo lengkapi (percaya sama gue singkat dan mudah) and then lo udah bisa dapat KeyBCA itu.

Biayanya? Tenang aja cuma seharga sepiring nasi goreng tek-tek =D setelah punya token, lo tinggal registrasi BCA KlikPay di atau kalau lo belum jadi nasabah lo bisa apply kartu kredit BCA (BCA Card). Setelah itu tinggal ikutin petunjuknya buat registrasi dan aktivasi. Ssstt banyak promo belanja dengan cicilan kalau pakai CC BCA loh. Hihi.

Setelah punya KlikBCA atau BCA Card, ini nih step – step gimana cara belanja dengan BCA KlikPay:
1. Lakukan transaksi di merchant rekanan BCA KlikPay. Klik Buy atau masukkan ke shopping barang yang ingin dibeli. Untuk list merchant klik disini

2. Pilih BCA KlikPay sebagai cara bayar.

3. Website merchant rekanan akan langsung mengarahkan lo ke login page BCA.
  • Lo akan nemuin detail transaksi lo dan lakukan pembayaran
  • Untuk autorisasi, tinggal pencet tombol "KIRIM OTP" buat mendapat OTP (One Time Password) yang akan dikirim via SMS ke no hp yang lo daftarin, lalu masukkan kode itu ke kolom yang tersedia di layar, dan klik "BAYAR"
4. Selesai deh. Lo akan menerima email notifikasi (cocok buat tipe pembeli yang suka parno. Haha)

Simple banget kan =) Jadi sekarang hampir semua transaksi belanja online gue seperti beli tiket nonton, voucher hotel bahkan sampai pembelian tiket pesawat gue bayar dengan menggunakan BCA KlikPay karena sambil kerja gue bisa melakukan pembayaran dengan di saat yang sama di depan layar komputer gue dan makan waktu tidak lebih dari 5 menit. Yang lama lebih ke mikir mau pilih warna apa.. Ngaku!!! Hahaha.. Basically semua ini save time, less paper dan aman! So sekian tips and trick belanja aman dari gue.

Oya kalau mau tahu lebih lanjut soal BCA KlikPay follow saja akun twitter mereka di sini atau Facebook di sini. Untuk merchant list klik di sini. Belanja di tempat yang pasti – pasti aja yah guys ;P