Here's some pics from the blogger meet up at Pastis today..I forgot how many people dat came coz i didnt stay there till it finished..i'm kind of sneaking from office hour..hehe..Most of the bloggers are so young and i feel like oh God i'm d oldest one.luckily heidy and nina came so i'm kinda relieved.hahaha.
Too bad my camera is low battery,so to michelle and other bloggers who brings camera, please upload d pictures at d facebook event yha!
See u guys in other ocassion...Btw i'll post more pictures after i got it from other bloggers..
ps: next time be more on time yha gurls ;P
hahaha yepp too bad u hv to leave early.. u missed the game! sorry for beign late today.. we shud do this again!!
I couldn't come..
Could there be any meet-up soon??
please let me know... i'd like to come... thx..
heart it <3
kapan2 ketemuan lagi youw. =)
aku iriiiiiii ^_^
@Talisha,Velo:Yep..see u girls next time
@Selly:hmm..told Michelle to arrange it!coz she's kinda the EO for this event.haha..
sayang yah kemarin balikk duluan :(.hihihi!! but anyway, it's nice to meet u! woah, tp foto ku disitu buset matanya kegedean, jadi serem bgt. wkwkwk!!! hope we'll can meet again soon!
Hey grec... How are u?? U still remember me?? Yay..thanks u so much for your comment in my blog. Hahaha..many who say like that but I myself don't like the models, I prefer to dancing. LOL.
@piping:iya km gothic bgt yha.hehe
@inda:i used to dance,and i missed dancing so much..
ahhh seems fun :):) i wish i could come
Cupcake Vs Stiletto
ahhhhh that's my photo:))))) hehe and i already added your link kak at my blog .nice to meet you:)
heyy gricia!! too bad I'm late to the meet up so we can't meet :(
hope we can meet up soon yaa??
Anw,kamu kerja di Grazia ya? pemrednya mba nia kan yaa?
heyy , have u upload these to FB ? ak mao ngambil soalnya :D
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