Sunday, December 21, 2008

Nu comer in d closet ^_^

Diz morning,me,fika and steph havin breakfast at Lamian Crystal Jade PI.Then steph want to see Mango which is on sale (up t0 70%) rite now..i almost buy a shoes..but they didnt have my size.huh..then at the special price section,i see a cute purple mini dress..actually its kinda too big..but thats fine..i can alter it.hehehe..
Finished from PI bf pick me at Steph house and takin me to MOI (Mall of Indonesia)..err.. actually its me who told him to go there.They had a very beautiful shiny x'mas tree..and i want to share the beautiful tree wit u guys..


misstephanie said...

gres.. lo pake bando apa tuh.. gd amat, hehe..
neway, baju nya bagus juga ya..
gue masi berpikir spatu tadi nii.. huhu 36 kekecilan.. 37 kgdean.. :(
blom jodoh..

Gricia (Cia) said...

well bnerny itu waist belt dr dress yuli.hehe..iseng aj..tdny mo pake brooch tp ketemu itu jd g pake dh.he2.coba liat d mango laen aj..g jg pngen niy tp gk ad size